
King PolyPro

Allgemeine Produktkreise: Polypropylen, UnspezifizertGeliefert von: King Plastic Corporation
King KPC Polypropylene is a polymer material with excellent chemical, physical, and electrolytic properties. It is the product of a proprietary process called K-Stran™, the most advanced manufacturing process for superior flatness and consistency of up to 1” thick. Gauges greater than 1” are manufactured in our state-of-the-art compression mold. King KPC PolyPro has a natural, smooth finish on both sides of the sheet. It has outstanding stain resistance with low moisture absorption. King KPC PolyPro is stiffer than King KPC LDPE or King KPC HDPE with a good balance of strength to weight ratio. It is used for applications such as containment tanks and covers, ducts and hoods, plating barrels, and valve and pump components. Its excellent arc resistance and dielectric strength also allows King KPC PolyPro to be used in electrical insulation applications. King KPC PolyPro is made with FDA approved materials, and NSF listed for professional food services and containment operations. The material is easy to machine and fabricate.

Tolerance information:

Gauges 1/8” through 1” ± 5% | Length and width plus only at room temperature

Compression Molding
Gauges greater than 1” and under 1-1/2” ± 10% | Gauges 1-1/2” and greater plus only | Length and width plus only at room temperature

Custom sheet sizes, gauges and colors available
Allgemeine Eigenschaften

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Kommerziell: Aktiv

Technical Datasheet (English)

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Afrika und Mittlerer Osten, Asien Pazifik, Europa, Lateinamerika, Nordamerika
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Andere Eigenschaften
Merkmale, Prüfnormen, RoHS Compliance, Aussehen, Form, Dichte, Streckspannung, Reißfestigkeit, Streckdehnung, Bruchdehnung, Biege-E-Modul, Izod-Kerbschlag, Izod-schlag,ungeberbt, Durometerhärteveränderung, Entflammbarkeitsklasse - UL
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