

Famille générique : Polyamide, non spécifiéDocuments mis à disposition par : CRP Technology s.r.l.
Technology: Selective Laser Sintering

Windform® GT is a composite material based on polyamide fiber glass, deep and dark black colour. After hand finishing, the colour becomes shining and brighter. The Windform® GT is an absolute new product in the family of polyamide materials for the additive manufacturing not only aesthetically, but also in terms of performance, because it differs from the other Windform® powders thanks to its higher flexibility. Windform® GT combines optimal characteristics of elasticity and ductility and resistance, thus it can be considered a highly valuable material in various racing and functional applications affected to vibration and shocks. In fact, the material has meaningful values of impact strength and elongation at break, which combined with relevant values of tensile strength and flexural strength make it ideal for applications where resistance to "damage" is a prerequisite, in order to preserve the component, for example in case of impact and/or improper use. A further element of distinction from other materials Windform® is its characteristic of being a waterproof material, resistant to moisture and therefore to the absorption of liquids.Windform® GT is also a very light material with excellent mechanical properties per unit density.

Automotive applications where a certain flexibility in the car and under hood (such as snap fit) is required. It is also suitable in motorsport, air ducts, intake and cooling systems, the hydraulic ducts in contact with liquids or oils, in protective cover for sensors and for all applications that need a good flexibility and resistance to damage (for example: racing components near the ground).

Surface Finish:
After SLS Process 6.20 Ra µm
After manual finishing 1.45 Ra µm
After CNC machining 1.15 Ra µm
Propriétés générales

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État du matériau
Commercial : actif

Technical Datasheet (English)

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Amérique du Nord, Asie Pacifique, Europe
Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)
Méthode de traitement
3D Printing, Laser Sintering/Melting
Autres propriétés
Charge / Renforcement, Caractéristiques, Classification d'agences, Aspect, Formes, Densité, Module de traction, Contrainte de traction, Allongement en traction à la rupture, Module de flexion, Résistance à la flexion, Essai de résilience Charpy avec entaille, Essai de résilience Charpy sans entaille, DTUL (264 psi) - non recuit, Point Vicat, Température de fusion, Résistivité de surface, Résistivité de volume, Propriétés supplémentaires
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Traitement en cours

Find specific processing information for WINDFORM® as well as general information for the Polyamide, non spécifié generic family. S’inscrire ou Connexion pour en savoir plus.

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