
LTP ZC-1600A

Famille générique : Polyphénylène sulfureDocuments mis à disposition par : Chengdu Letian Plastics Co., Ltd
For its high rigidity and excellent combination properties, PPS is ideal materials of automobile for light weight.
For varied function of parts, PPS for automobile is required to have high rigidity, high stiffness, high toughness, resistance to abrasion, corrosion resistant, resistance to solvent, resistance to temperature leap, resistance to hot water creep deformation, easy to process and good dimensional stability. The structure materials, wear resistant materials, resistant materials, heat leap resistant materials, solvent resistant materials and precise molding materials developed by LETIAN Plastics can meet the increasing need of automobile industry.
1, structure materials -LTP ZC1180A serials
The bearing structure parts of automobile such as fender-guard, cover sheet, pedal, hand knob and seat frame, un-bearing parts such as tank cover, discharge pipe, water tank, back mirror cover and lamp shade are all need higher mechanical strength. It includes not only high rigidity, but high shock strength. The LTP ZC1180A serials resin reinforced by crystal whisker of LETIAN Plastic improve the shortages about toughness and mechanic strength of common PPS resin reinforced by 40% glass fiber.
Propriétés générales

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État du matériau
Commercial : actif

Technical Datasheet (English)

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Asie Pacifique
Applications automobiles
Autres propriétés
Caractéristiques, Densité, Indice de fluidité à chaud en masse (MFR), Contrainte de traction, Allongement en traction à la rupture, Module de flexion, Résistance à la flexion, Essai de résilience Charpy avec entaille, Essai de résilience Charpy sans entaille
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Traitement en cours

Find specific processing information for LTP as well as general information for the Polyphénylène sulfure generic family. S’inscrire ou Connexion pour en savoir plus.

Où acheter

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