
醋酸纤维素 (CA): Generic

产品 可用性 产品说明
Generic CA 北美洲
This data represents typical values that have been calculated from all products classified as: Generic CA This information is provided for comparative purposes only.
Generic CAB 北美洲
This data represents typical values that have been calculated from all products classified as: Generic CAB This information is provided for comparative purposes only.
Generic CAP 北美洲
This data represents typical values that have been calculated from all products classified as: Generic CAP This information is provided for comparative purposes only.
Generic Cellulose, Regenerated 北美洲
This data represents typical values that have been calculated from all products classified as: Generic Cellulose, Regenerated This information is provided for comparative purposes only.
Generic Cellulose, Unspecified 北美洲
This data represents typical values that have been calculated from all products classified as: Generic Cellulose, Unspecified This information is provided for comparative purposes only.