
UL 黄卡


更多 UL 黄卡工具
UL Yellow Card Property Search

寻找更多详细信息吗?使用高级 Prospector 帐户,搜索数千种材料的黄卡属性。 您还将获得其他高级功能,例如同类材料比较和 UL 色精搜索工具。


使用 Prospector 搜尋引擎尋找成功通過 UL 測試程序並已獲得 UL 認可元件標誌的材料。檢視通過測試的材料詳細技術資訊,找到最能滿足具體專案需求的材料。
About Yellow Cards

UL Solutions' Plastics Recognition Program (Yellow Card) is a globally recognized safety and quality guarantee that can help demonstrate how your plastics have met a specific set of performance credentials. Find out how you can market your product as Yellow Card certified today.

Learn how to add performance credentials and boost your visibility.