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Coefficient of Friction - ASTM D1894

The ratio of the force required to move one surface over another to the total force applied normal to those surfaces. Coefficient of friction values are related to the slip properties of films.

Static Coefficient of Friction (�s)

Coefficient of friction at the instant motion between surfaces starts.

Kinetic Coefficient of Friction (�k)

Coefficient of friction after motion between surfaces is established.

Friction Test

Testing is performed by sliding a plane beneath a block. The film specimen is attached to the base of the block. The block is connected to a stationary gage which measures the frictional force between the plane and the block.

The static coefficient of friction is calculated by:
s = As / B
where As is the reading on the gage at the instant the block slips on the plane
and B is the weight of the block.

The kinetic coefficient of friction is calculated by:
k = Ak / B
where Ak is the reading on the gage after motion between the block and plane is established
and B is the weight of the block.