
Manner Flexible PVC V897

Allgemeine Produktkreise: Polyvinylchlorid, FlexiblesGeliefert von: Manner Polymers
Whether you need a flexible PVC or semi-rigid PVC for your wire and cable application, Manner Plastics has a material to meet your needs. We offer insulation and jacketing compounds in all standard operating ranges. The newest addition to our wire & cable family of materials is a compound which UL recognized for THWN-2 applications.

Our materials are used in a variety of applications including appliance,
automotive, building, utility, and telecommunications.

The table below shows some of our most popular compounds, but is not a comprehensive view of the Manner Plastics product portfolio. If you do not see a compound offering the performance your application requires, please contact us. We may already have a custom formulation that meets your needs.

All Manner Plastics materials are RoHS compliant. Following is a representative sampling of our wire and cable compounds.
Allgemeine Eigenschaften

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Kommerziell: Aktiv
Andere Eigenschaften
Merkmale, RoHS Compliance, Form, Dichte / Spezifische Dichte, Streckspannung, Bruchdehnung, Durometerhärteveränderung, Kältebruchfestigkeit, Reißdehnungveränderung in Luft, Sauerstoff-Index, Weitere Eigenschaften
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