

Allgemeine Produktkreise: PolyetheretherketonGeliefert von: Nytef Plastics, Ltd.
UNITRON PPS (Polyphenylene Sulfide) is a non-reinforced semi-crystalline polymer that offers exceptional strength and stability at elevated temperatures and is unaffected by even the harshest of chemical environments. Most acids, strong bases, fuels and even steam have virtually no affect on the physical properties of this material. While polyphenylene sulfide products have traditionally been know to be brittle, UNITRON PPS machines easily and exhibits excellent toughness. UNITRON PPS's extremely low moisture absorption rate and its low coefficient of thermal expansion contribute to this being one of the most dimensionally stable thermoplastic materials available. UNITRON PPS offers superior electrical properties, is rated UL94, V-0, and is tan in color. Nytef Plastics offers UNITRON PPS stock shapes in a wide range of heavy cross section rod, sheet, and tubular bar sizes.

  • 425°F relative thermal index rating
  • Excellent strength and rigidity
  • Extremely low moisture absorption
  • Superior electrical properties
  • Flame resistant - UL 94, V-0 rated
  • Easily machined and fabricated

  • Pump, valve & compressor mfg.
  • Medical equipment
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturing
  • Aircraft and aerospace
  • Electrical and electronic products
  • Semiconductor manufacturing
  • Petroleum exploration & refining

  • Compressor vanes
  • Manifolds and valves
  • Electrical insulators, connectors and test sockets
  • Liquid chromatography components
  • Down hole drill & pump components
  • CMP clamp rings
  • Sensor components
Allgemeine Eigenschaften

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Kommerziell: Aktiv

Technical Datasheet (English)

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Europa, Nordamerika
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Andere Eigenschaften
Merkmale, Aussehen, Form, Dichte / Spezifische Dichte, Wasserabsorption @ 24 Std., Zug-E-Modul, Streckspannung, Bruchdehnung, Biege-E-Modul, Biegefestigkeit, Izod-Kerbschlag, Rockwellhärte, DTUL (264 psi) - ungeglüht, Massetemperatur, CLTE, fließrichtung, RTI Elec, RTI Imp, RTI Str, Spez. Durchgangswiderstand, dielektrische Durchschlagsfestigkeit, Dielektrizitätskonstante, Dielektr. Verlustfaktor, Entflammbarkeitsklasse - UL
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