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  • VESTOLIT G FIT E-51 (FIT Series)


Allgemeine Produktkreise: Polyvinylchlorid-HomopolymerGeliefert von: Mexichem Specialty Resins, Inc.
VESTOLIT G FIT E-51 is a medium molecular weight homopolymer resin intended for use as a Formulation Improvement Tool (FIT) in plastisol formulations which enhance the plastisol usage (pot life) and reduce the viscosity aging characteristics. This resin increases the physical properties of end application up to 30% compared to traditional blending resins. It allows the addition of up to 40phr of filler, significantly decreasing formulation costs. It improves air release properties, provides faster de -aeration time and reduces scrap rates caused by the presence of air bubbles or voids in finished part. This resin reduces the viscosity profile of the plastisol providing an improved 'ease of coating' performance resulting a more uniform plastisol coating and improving line up time.
VESTOLIT G FIT E-51 is recommeded for solid and foamed plastisol applications for instance coated fabrics and carpet tiles, cast films and coatings, rotationally and slush molded parts, dip molded and coated parts, and walk off and foam mats and pads.
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Kommerziell: Aktiv
Afrika und Mittlerer Osten, Asien Pazifik, Europa, Lateinamerika, Nordamerika
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