
InVento® Optima 800FRN/PL

Allgemeine Produktkreise: Polystyrol, ExpandiertesGeliefert von: Synthos S.A.
InVento Optima 500FRN/PL and 800FRN/PL is expandable polystyrene (EPS) based on innovative athermal additive, with a low thermal conductivity value. The materials was produced using recycled materials. Materials have a form of grey spherical polystyrene particles that contain a new type of flame retardant pFR (without HBCD) and low level of hydrocarbon as a blowing agent. Their surface is coated to support processing and to prevent electrostatic charge. Due to the content of halogenated flame retardant the product is unsuitable for objects intended for direct contact with food.

InVento 800FRN/PL can be molded on both shape and block molding equipment. It can be used to produce blocks at low and medium densities, with very low thermal conductivity, which can be cut to make insulation and construction products. It may be used for large contour moldings. Other applications include loose-fill cavity wall insulation and elasticized board for impact or airborne sound insulation and floor elements.
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Technical Datasheet (English)

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