
Epoxies, Ect. 20-2121

Famille générique : Polyuréthane, non spécifiéDocuments mis à disposition par : Epoxies, Etc.
20-2121 is formulated for electronic potting, encapsulating and casting applications. The 20-2121 is a two-component, low viscosity, room temperature curing system. This is an easy to use product that does not contain TDI, MbOCA or Mercury. 20-2121 will cushion and protect sensitive electronic components. It will impart very little stress on components during cure or thermal cycling.

The 20-2121 Polyurethane meets the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations permitting use in food contact applications. The raw materials used in this product comply with the FDA regulations of Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations under Sections 175.105 and 175.300.

The base Natural Oil Polyol (NOP) used in 20-2121 is obtained directly from a plant source without chemical modifications. Due to the raw materials selected, this product is low in toxicity and considered a GREEN potting compound. Using renewable resources such as NOPs will reduce the demand on non-renewable fossil fuels and reduce the overall production of carbon dioxide.

- Low Toxicity
- Green
- Low Viscosity
- Low Durometer
- Moisture Resistant
- Low Shrinkage & Exotherm
- FDA compliant

- Reduce employee exposure to dangerous chemicals
- Reduce demand on non-renewable fossil fuels
- Quick self leveling around components
- Low stress on components & vibration resistant
- Can be used in wet environments
- Will not damage components during cure
- May be used in food contact applications
Propriétés générales

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État du matériau
Commercial : actif

Technical Datasheet (English)

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Afrique & Moyen-Orient, Amérique du Nord, Amérique latine, Asie Pacifique, Europe
Applications alimentaires non spécifiques
Méthode de traitement
Autres propriétés
Caractéristiques, Classification d'agences, Aspect, Retrait au moulage, linéaire parallèle, Coefficient de dilatation thermique linéaire, écoulement, Conductivité thermique, Résistivité de surface, Viscosité du mélange thermodurci, Propriétés supplémentaires, Couleur, Mix Ratio by Weight (PBW), Mix Ratio by Volume (PBV), Densité, Viscosité, Curing Time, Gel Time, Dureté Shore, Résistance à la traction, Allongement en traction à la rupture, Résistance au déchirement, Rigidité diélectrique, Résistivité de volume, Constante diélectrique, Facteur de dissipation
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Traitement en cours

Find specific processing information for Epoxies, Ect. as well as general information for the Polyuréthane, non spécifié generic family. S’inscrire ou Connexion pour en savoir plus.

Où acheter

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