

Famille générique : Maleic Anhydride Grafted PolyethyleneDocuments mis à disposition par : Tecnofilm SpA Compounds Termoplastici
TECNOBOND PE/MLP is a PE modified by maleic anhydride through a new continuous process at high grafting efficiency suitable to assure a very low content of free maleic anhydride, the absence of cross-linked material and a completely random distribution of maleic anhydride inside the polyethylene chains .

Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) is a non- corrosion, elastic, resistant to stress and chemicals material; aluminium has a minimal thermal expansion, good resistance to high temperature and pressure and dimension stability. The combination of PEX and aluminium provides many advantages. Unfortunately PE does not adheres to aluminium.

TECNOBOND PE-MLP is used as high performance adhesive layer in the composite pipe applications (multilayer pipe) based on cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) and containing aluminium as barrier layer.

TECNOBOND PE-MLP guaranties a very good adhesion to PEX as by a diffusion of polymer chains into the other materials (entangled chains) and a co-crystallization of two materials being both semi-crystalline. The adhesion of TECNOBOND PE-MLP to aluminium layer is essentially due to a chemical interaction between polar groups of tie layer and metal substrate.
Propriétés générales

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État du matériau
Commercial : actif

Technical Datasheet (English)

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Autres propriétés
Caractéristiques, Densité, Indice de fluidité à chaud en masse (MFR), Point Vicat, Propriétés supplémentaires
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Traitement en cours

Find specific processing information for TECNOBOND MAH Grafted Polyolefins as well as general information for the Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polyethylene generic family. S’inscrire ou Connexion pour en savoir plus.

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