
Polyurethane (PUR): PUR-Estér

Produto Disponibilidade Descrição do produto
Evermore PUR UP-6010NR Ásia/Pacífico  
Evermore PUR UP-6015NR Ásia/Pacífico  
Evermore PUR UP-6042NR Ásia/Pacífico  
Evermore PUR UP-9430NL Ásia/Pacífico  
Generic PUR-Ester África & Oriente Médio
This data represents typical values that have been calculated from all products classified as: Generic PUR-Ester This information is provided for comparative purposes only.
Huafon JF-6775 / JF-I-6722 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium to low hardness. high fluidity. Applications: For man/woman shoes.
Huafon JF-P-2150 / JF-I-4118 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Low hardness and low density. high-temperature vulcanization resistance. Applications: For the insole.
Huafon JF-P-2920 / JF-I-2918 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Low hardness and low density. Applications : For the functional shoes, insoles.
Huafon JF-P-2922 / JF-I-2918 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristic: Low hardness and low density. Application: For the functional shoes, insoles.
Huafon JF-P-2930/ JF-I-2913 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Low density and low hardness. Applications: For the insole.
Huafon JF-P-4170 / JF-I-4118 (midsole) Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristic: Low hardness and high density. Application: For casual shoes and direct injection shoes.
Huafon JF-P-4170 / JF-I-4118 (outsole) Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristic: Low hardness and high density. Application: For casual shoes and direct injection shoes.
Huafon JF-P-4170T / JF-I-4118 (midsole) Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristic: Low hardness and high density. Application: For casual shoes and direct injection shoes.
Huafon JF-P-4170T / JF-I-4118 (outsole) Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristic: Low hardness and high density. Application: For casual shoes and direct injection shoes.
Huafon JF-P-5175 / JF-I-5118 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium to low hardness. Applications: For casual shoes and sandals.
Huafon JF-P-5180 / JF-I-5118 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium to high hardness. Applications: For man/woman shoes.
Huafon JF-P-5250 / JF-I-5222 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium to high hardness. low density. Applications: For sandals.
Huafon JF-P-5265AC / JF-I-5218 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium hardness. low temperature resistance. Applications: For man/woman shoes.
Huafon JF-P-5330/ JF-I-7221 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Low density and low hardness. Applications: For the insole.
Huafon JF-P-5475 / JF-I-5421 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium to high hardness, low density. Applications: For sandals.
Huafon JF-P-5675 / JF-I-5118 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium hardness. Applications: For man/woman shoes and casual shoes.
Huafon JF-P-5980 / JF-I-6820 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium to high hardness. Applications: For man/woman shoes and casual shoes.
Huafon JF-P-6270 / JF-I-4118 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium hardness, low density Applications: For casual shoes and direct injection shoes.
Huafon JF-P-6760 / JF-I-6722 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium to low hardness, high fluidity. Applications: For casual shoes and sporting shoes.
Huafon JF-P-6765 / JF-I-6722 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristic: Medium to low hardness. high fluidity. Application: For casual shoes and sport shoes.
Huafon JF-P-6881 / JF-I-6120 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium to high hardness. molded at low mold temperature. Applications: For man/woman shoes casual shoes.
Huafon JF-P-6881 / JF-I-6820 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium to high hardness. Applications: For man/woman shoes casual shoes.
Huafon JF-P-7260 / JF-I-9422 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Low density and medium hardness. Applications: For threading soles.
Huafon JF-P-8060 / JF-I-6008 (General outsole) Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: High hardness. Applications: For man/woman shoes and wood-like shoes.
Huafon JF-P-8060 / JF-I-6008 (Wood-like sole) Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: High hardness. Applications: For man/woman shoes and wood-like shoes.
Huafon JF-P-8065 / JF-I-8815 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium to low density, excellent yellowing resistance. Applications: For anti-yellowing shoes and casual shoes.
Huafon JF-P-8075 / JF-I-9818 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium hardness. Applications: For beach shoes and direct injection shoes.
Huafon JF-P-8370AD / JF-I-5218 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium hardness. medium to high density. excellent adhesive property. low temperature resistance. Applications: For direct injection shoes. casual shoes and leather shoes.
Huafon JF-P-8465 / JF-I-4419 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium hardness. transparent materials. Applications: For transparent shoes and translucent soles.
Huafon JF-P-8705 / JF-I-8805 (midsole) Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Excellent adhesive property. excellent physical performance. Applications: For safety shoes.
Huafon JF-P-8705 / JF-I-8805 (outsole) Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Excellent adhesive property. excellent physical performance. Applications: For safety shoes.
Huafon JF-P-8707 / JF-I-8807 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Medium hardness. medium to low density. Applications: For man shoes.
Huafon JF-P-8875D / JF-I-8918D (midsole) Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics : High resistance to rip expansibility. excellent low-temperature flexibility. Applications : For safety shoes.
Huafon JF-P-8875D / JF-I-8918D (outsole) Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics : High resistance to rip expansibility. excellent low-temperature flexibility. Applications : For safety shoes.
Huafon JF-P-9065 / JF-I-9422 Ásia/Pacífico
Characteristics: Low density. medium hardness Applications: For casual shoes and beach shoes.