
含氟聚合物 (Fluoropolymer): Hylar®

产品 可用性 产品说明
Hylar® 301S 北美洲
高熔体粘度 -非 建筑用分散涂料聚合物。
Hylar® 5000 HG 北美洲
Hylar® 5000 HG is a crystalline high molecular weight powder form of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)specifically designed for solvent-based coatings to provide improved gloss. It forms mechanically strong and tough films that have a broad useful temperature range. These films are highly resistant to most environmental conditions including gamma radiation and are essentially transparent to ultraviolet radiation. The weathering characteristics of Hylar® 5000 HG coatings lead to excellent performance for the long term. Hylar® 5000 is available only via a licensing program that specifies the composition of Hylar® 5000 HG coatings. A properly formulated finish contains sufficient pigment to make the film totally opaque to ultraviolet radiation at the nominal one mil (0.001 inch) film thickness suggested. SAFETY Hylar® 5000 HG is stable at temperatures up to 600°F (316°C). When it is subjected to temperatures above 600°F (316°C) for extended periods of time, hydrogen fluoride (HF) begins to evolve, and at temperatures above 700°F (371°C) HF evolution becomes rapid. Hylar® 5000 HG exhibits excellent flame resistance; however, in case of fire, HF and traces of potentially toxic fluorocarbons can be formed. HF is corrosive, causes burns on contact, and has an American Conference Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV-TWA) of 3 ppm (2.5 mg/m³) (1984). Thermal decomposition of Hylar® 5000 HG to HF can also occur in a bake oven in the event that temperatures are not controlled properly. In the event of fire, use NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus and skin protection to protect against volatile decomposition products. Hylar® 5000 HG can be disposed of in an approved land fill, but should not be incinerated unless permitted by applicable law and provision is made for absorption of HF.
Hylar® 5000S 北美洲
Hylar 5000是结晶型、高分子量、粉末状聚偏二氟乙烯,专用于溶剂型涂料,以获得更好的光泽。形成的机械强度高、韧度好的薄膜,能适应宽温度范围的应用。这些薄膜能耐受大多数环境,包括γ辐射。在紫外线辐射下基本呈透明状。 Hylar 5000涂料的耐候性使其具有出色的耐久性能。 Hylar 5000只能通过注明 Hylar 5000涂料成分的特定许可程序才可获得。正确配制的面漆含有足够的颜料,当膜厚达标称1密耳( 0.001英寸)时,在紫外线照射下完全不透明。 安全性 hylar 5000在温度高达600°F (316℃ )时依然保持稳定。当长期处于600 ° F( 316 °C )以上高温时,开始释出氟化氢(HF ),在温度高于700 °F ( 371 ° C)时,释出速度加快。 hylar 5000具有优良的阻燃性,但发生火灾时, HF和微量有潜在毒性的碳氟化合物开始形成。 HF具有腐蚀性,会导致接触烧伤,达到美国工业卫生会议(AC GIH)设置的阈值(TLV -TWA)3 ppm (2.5毫克/立方米)(1984) 。
Hylar® Latex 932 北美洲
Hylar 5000是结晶型、高分子量、粉末状聚偏二氟乙烯,专用于溶剂型涂料,以获得更好的光泽。形成的机械强度高、韧度好的薄膜,能适应宽温度范围的应用。这些薄膜能耐受大多数环境,包括γ辐射。在紫外线辐射下基本呈透明状。 Hylar 5000涂料的耐候性使其具有出色的耐久性能。 Hylar 5000只能通过注明 Hylar 5000涂料成分的特定许可程序才可获得。正确配制的面漆含有足够的颜料,当膜厚达标称1密耳( 0.001英寸)时,在紫外线照射下完全不透明。 安全性 hylar 5000在温度高达600°F (316℃ )时依然保持稳定。当长期处于600 ° F( 316 °C )以上高温时,开始释出氟化氢(HF ),在温度高于700 °F ( 371 ° C)时,释出速度加快。 hylar 5000具有优良的阻燃性,但发生火灾时, HF和微量有潜在毒性的碳氟化合物开始形成。 HF具有腐蚀性,会导致接触烧伤,达到美国工业卫生会议(AC GIH)设置的阈值(TLV -TWA)3 ppm (2.5毫克/立方米)(1984) 。