
聚酯酰亚胺 (PEI) by LEHVOSS Group

产品 可用性 产品说明
LUVOCOM® 1106-8465 北美洲
Strong, stiff parts. Thermally conductive. High dimensionally stable precision parts, even at elevated temperatures and narrow tolerance range. Low warpage.
LUVOCOM® 1106-8769/GY 北美洲
Very stiff parts with low creep. High dimensionally stable precision parts, even at elevated temperatures and narrow tolerance range. Low warpage.
LUVOTECH® 1106-9538 北美洲
Very strong and stiff parts; low coefficient of thermal expansion. High continuous-use and heat-distortion temperatures. Non flammable. Dynamically-stressed parts moving at high velocity. High dimensionally stable precision parts.