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Glow Wire Flammability Index - IEC 60695-2-12

The glow wire test is used to simulate the effect of heat as may arise in malfunctioning electrical equipment, such as with overloaded or glowing components. Test results provide a way of comparing the ability of materials to extinguish flames and their ability to not produce particles capable of spreading fire.

The glow wire is heated via electrical resistance to a specified elevated temperature. A test specimen is held for 30 seconds against the tip of the glow wire with a force of 1 N. After the glow wire is removed, the time for the flames to extinguish is noted along with details of any burning drops. Cotton is placed beneath the specimen during the test to determine the effects of burning drops.

The Glow Wire Flammability Index is the highest temperature which satisfies one of the following conditions in three successive tests:

  1. There is no flame and no glowing (no ignition).
  2. Burning or glowing time is less than 30 seconds after removal of the glow wire and the cotton does not ignite.